Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Alumni Project

Discipline & Projects (usually not my bag)
Based on the 1901 alumni catalogue that UGA and the Board of Trustees commissioned/required to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the start of classes, the Hargrett Collection through the UGA Libraries has digitized each of the 1790 four-page response sheets that UGA alumni submitted or had submitted on their behalf (mostly for those who were deceased).

So, why the interest in this list/catalogue? (Well, besides the fact that it's about UGA and I really don't need much reason other than that).

I'm working on a prosopography (collective biography) of UGA alumni and students. Beyond that I won't show my hand too much regarding my interests and where I'm going with the project, but this will essentially be a way for me to make notes regarding each of the entries and other items from Pandora, the Red & Black, the University Reporter, and the Bumble Bee among other student publications.

The plan is to transcribe each of the four-page responses with notes and research followed by tags for Alumni Project, 1901 Catalogue (or other source), Class graduation year, Profession, Degree, and perhaps others. Hopefully, I'll be able to include some information regarding census records as well. I'll discuss other issues as I have time and thought such as the all-male nature of the institution during the time frame discussed as well as discussing student organizations (primarily 1886-1900) and art work/cartoons from student publications.

I'll run through the list alphabetically as it appears in the Hargrett archives. So first up in the next post will be Charles Thomas Abercrombie Class of 1846. And hopefully 1 at a time.

To start, the questions from the catalogue are as follows.

Fraternally Yours . . .

"The word “alumnus” as used in this letter, refers to any man who has matriculated at the University, whether a graduate or not.

University of Georgia

Dear Sir:

As an important part of the celebration of the Centennial of the University, the Board of Trustees has ordered the preparation and publication of a CENTENNIAL ALUMNI CATALOGUE, to contain, as far as possible, a full but concise account of the life and services of all the alumni during the century.

The hearty co-operation of all living alumni, and of the relatives and friends of all deceased, is necessary to the success of the undertaking. Your prompt and careful attention to the inquiries set forth below will be a real service to the University, and will be most cordially appreciated. If you are not able to give the information under any head, please leave the space blank so that it may be filled by others.

The alma mater again extends to all alumni a hearty invitation to join with her celebration of the Centennial, June 12th-19th, 1901.

Fraternally yours,

Walter B. Hill,


1. Name, in full, (Do not use initials):

2. Address; state, county, city, street and number:

3. Place and time of birth:

4. Date of entrance, with class entered:

5. College honors, or distinctions of any kind:

6. Literary Society:

7. Date of graduation, and degree received; or date of leaving college:

8. Other institutions attended later; degrees received; with dates:

9. Honorary Degrees; by whom conferred with dates

10. Member of learned societies:

11. Facts relating to marriage:

12. Facts as to occupation and business life:

13. Public Service:
a) Civil:
b) Military:
c) Religious/Educational Service:

14. Writings:

15. Any additional information of a personal nature:

16. Names and addresses of any relatives, immediate or remote who were alumni:

NOTE: If this circular is sent to the relatives of an alumnus deceased, kindly give accurately the date of death."



13 April 2010

Vidalia, GA

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